
How we Treat

Osteopaths take pride in skilfully applying manual techniques in combination with current medical testing procedures to provide the highest standard of care.

Some of the manual methods used include: massage, stretching, manipulation and other gentle joint release techniques.

A comprehensive list of techniques is provided below.  Because no two people are the same, osteopaths will tailor these techniques to each patient and their presenting problem.

Exercise and postural advice are also provided. Combined with the Osteopathic philosophy this approach delivers the most effective treatment outcome. Osteopaths are bound by strict codes of practice to use the greatest care, privacy and safety in their work.

Treatment consists of a number of Osteopathic manual approaches:

Soft tissue techniques

A variety of massage techniques many unique to Osteopathy. These can be used as stand alone techniques or as preparation for other techniques. They are designed to stretch and relax muscles and can be used in many conditions including sports injuries, back pain, overuse injuries and many other areas.

Osteopathy in the cranial field

Gentle techniques applied to the structures around the head, face and jaw. These powerful techniques can have a profound influence on a variety of hard to treat conditions. Such conditions include headaches, jaw problems, some forms of tinnitus, neuralgia, post traumatic incidents, whiplash etc.

Myofascial release

A gentler form of massage technique designed to slowly release areas of tight muscles and joints. Good for acute or very painful conditions as well as treating conditions of many years duration.


Another gentle technique used in both acute and chronic conditions. These techniques are very specific and are especially effective in reducing stiffness around spinal and other joints. They work by “re-educating” the central nervous system to reset muscles and ligaments to a more normal level of functioning. They help provide more long term solutions to problems that are constantly returning.


Quick joint release techniques usually accompanied by a “popping sound”. They are designed to improve mobility and alignment and decrease pain. Osteopaths are experts in determining the best way to use these techniques so they are both painless and effective.


A variety of repetitive gentle techniques designed to mobilise stiff joints and chronic areas of tightness. Good for long standing conditions and to improve circulation.


Also known as “positional release”. Here a joint, muscle or tendon is taken into a position of comfort and held for a short time to release or reduce the pain or spasm in the area.

Muscle energy techniques

So named because the patients own muscular force is used to help with the techniques. In this way the patient can control the amount of force used. These are a comprehensive set of techniques designed to realign and balance the body especially the pelvic area. They are also useful to mobilise joints, stretch and strengthen muscle and reduce muscle tightness.

Osteopathic treatment consists of a combination of the above approaches. They will obviously change from treatment to treatment depending on the patient’s progress. They will also change according to patient preference. It is the Osteopathic philosophy of treatment which determines how and in what sequence these techniques will be applied and this is what makes the osteopathic approach unique.

What to expect at your first appointment

30 - 40 minutes

You will be asked to fill out an intake form so try and arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment.

Your Osteopath will then thoroughly review your clinical history, discuss your symptoms, carry out an assessment and diagnose the problem. If X-rays, MRI’s or other tests are required this will be discussed with you.

After discussing the findings of the examination and obtaining your consent, a treatment session will begin. Osteopathic treatment is applied with a specific objective in mind. There are no predetermined sequences as each treatment session is determined by your presenting complaint and how your body responds to the techniques applied. Once your practitioner detects that the treatment has achieved the desired result the session is finished.

To extend the treatment time beyond this point is unnecessary and may cause further problems by creating too much for the body to deal with. As such, you should not be concerned if the length of treatment varies from session to session. However, on average, for a first consultation allow around 30-40 minutes. For follow up appointments allow 20-30 minutes.

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What will we do during your assessment?

Osteopaths combine modern methods of medical, orthopaedic and neurological examination with a unique sense of touch to evaluate your condition. This highly developed sense of touch enables the osteopath to evaluate the state of your body’s tissues (ligaments, muscles, tendons etc) to arrive at a more accurate diagnosis and to assess the general health of your body.

Your Osteopath will also conduct a biomechanical exam to look at your posture and the way your body moves to ascertain if other parts of your body are contributing to your condition. Sometimes restricted areas or weaknesses remote from the site of your complaint can be causing or maintaining your current condition. These can result from trauma or accidents from many years ago.

You may be required to remove some clothing so we can assess how different body parts move and look and feel, female patients will be offered a gown. Findings will be discussed, and a treatment plan developed.

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What do you need for your appointment?

  • Bring any relevant reports such as X-rays, CT scans or other diagnostic reports
  • Any Chronic Disease Management Plan or other insurance forms.
  • Bring any Doctor or specialist referral letters
  • Also bring anything else related to your health condition you may think useful.
  • Our intake form is also available online which you can fill in and submit prior to your first appointment. Information relating to this will be sent to you.
  • We recommend wearing comfortable loose-fitting clothes.

If you have any questions about your appointment, please do not hesitate to contact the clinic.


How will we treat you?

Once the assessment has been completed and a clear explanation given of your condition, a treatment session will begin. Osteopaths will employ hands on treatment for most patient presentations.

The treatment is tailored to your presenting condition and how your body responds to the techniques used. This means if your tissues tighten up and become too tense then pressure is decreased or if a muscle is very tight and without much pain then a firmer pressure may be required. Different body types respond in different ways and your Osteopath will monitor this throughout the session. For children and babies, the techniques used are very gentle.

As part of an overall treatment strategy other advice may be given regarding:

  • Corrective exercises
  • Posture
  • Ergonomics
  • Lifestyle advice
  • Stress Management
  • Breathing techniques
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What can I expect from treatment?

Osteopathic treatment is designed to remove barriers which prevent normal function and health. During this process you may experience some unusual temporary reactions. These reactions can vary from a sudden increase in energy levels to a feeling of fatigue or tiredness. Some patients may experience some temporary ache or stiffness.

Your first couple of Osteopathic treatments will usually produce one of three responses:
Improvement: Happily, most report an improved sense of ease and well being with their initial treatments. This sets in motion a series of changes as each visit builds on the one before. Careful! Discontinuing care too soon before lasting changes are made, can sometimes invite a relapse.

Slower change: In cases of chronic health problems, progress comes more slowly. Since it’s probably taken years for your health to reach a symptomatic stage, recovery takes time. Obviously, creating new, healthier movement patterns will require a series of visits. Be patient and optimistic. We are!

Temporary exacerbation of symptoms: On some occasions, it can seem as if your problem is worsening. This is perfectly natural – and temporary. It generally lasts no longer than 1-2 days after which a period of improvement follows. Reducing inflammation takes time and many factors will affect the speed of your recovery.

Please feel free to contact the clinic should you have any concerns about your treatment.

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making your feel better

After your appointment

At the conclusion of your appointment, you will be provided with some take home advice or instructions to help with your recovery. The need for any further appointments will also be discussed with you.

For the next 24 hours after a consultation, a few simple steps should be taken to help maximise the effectiveness of your treatment.

  • Avoid very hot baths or showers (lukewarm instead)
  • Avoid repeated bending, lifting and twisting especially heavy objects
  • No yard work: mowing, raking or heavy gardening etc
  • No heavy housework, especially vacuuming and sweeping
  • Avoid strenuous workouts: no aerobics, HIIT classes, dancing, cycling etc
  • No running or jogging, a gentle walk is fine
  • Avoid other treatment modalities for at least 2 days as this may interfere with the way your body processes the Osteopathic treatment.

Feel free to call the clinic if you have any questions regarding your treatment.
